Notary Public Manchester is your source for information on Notarial matters in the Manchester area. A Notary, or Notary Public, can authenticate or legalise any document. A Notary can also provide legalisation or an apostille, if needed. You will normally require the services of a Notary Public when you have documents which are needed to be used abroad.
The Notaries signature and seal will verify to the authorities in that country that the relevant checks have been carried out. The need for a notary public is dictated by the requirements of the country where the document is to be used. For example, if you wish to buy a property abroad, it is often necessary to give your overseas lawyer power to deal with the purchase.
The Notaries signature and seal will verify to the authorities in that country that the relevant checks have been carried out. The need for a notary public is dictated by the requirements of the country where the document is to be used. For example, if you wish to buy a property abroad, it is often necessary to give your overseas lawyer power to deal with the purchase.
The service provided by me Geoffrey Smith is that of a Notary Public carrying out all permitted notarial activities including, where appropriate, arranging legalisation of documents and sending them to their final destination. Payment can be made by cheque, made payable to Geoffrey Smith, by cash or bank transfer.
The service provided by me is that of a Notary Public carrying out all permitted notarial activities including, where appropriate, arranging legalisation of documents and sending them to their final destination. An essential part of a notary's role is to maintain and keep records. You can view details of how I handle your data on my website