A series of 4 seminars for those who would like to develop their engagement with analytic theory. The seminars are designed to. Drawing on the Channel 4 documentary 'Help Me Love My Baby', filmed at the Anna Freud Centre, this event will. The decision to retire is complex and, in our profession, ideally requires several years of planning although, for various reasons, some may have to retire at shorter.
The British Psychotherapy Foundation (bpf) is an organisation of psychotherapists who are working to ensure that the benefits of psychotherapy are available to as many people who need it as possible. With around 650 members, we are one of the largest psychotherapy membership and training organisations in Europe.
We believe that the rich body of knowledge contained in the psychoanalytic and Jungian traditions, when combined with scientific advances in our understanding of the human mind and development, provides the most rigorous possible basis for psychotherapy.
It also provides a powerful and distinctive perspective on many issues that we face: questions of mental wellbeing, health and social policy, issues around sexuality and gender, how we make sense of contemporary media and culture are just some examples.
It also provides a powerful and distinctive perspective on many issues that we face: questions of mental wellbeing, health and social policy, issues around sexuality and gender, how we make sense of contemporary media and culture are just some examples.
The bpf is committed to diversity and inclusivity in all the work we deliver. We are fully dedicated to promoting, maintaining and supporting equality of opportunity in all aspects of our organisation. We aim to create an environment where all individuals, irrespective of gender, relationship status, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, religious belief, political affiliation or age have opportunity to achieve their full potential.
The British Psychotherapy Foundation would like to make clear that it stands in full support and solidarity with the protests against racial injustice that have taken place recently in many countries. We deplore the harm and discrimination that BAME members of society have endured - not only in the past but, regrettably, in the present too.
We take the very best from these traditions to advance our vision of a society in which psychotherapy is available to everyone who needs it to promote their emotional well-being and mental health. The British Jungian Analytic Association (BJAA) training prepares individuals to work intensively with adults in Jungian analysis and psychotherapy, also providing professional development for qualified Jungian analysts.