That's Why We Have Teamed Up With T Dot UK Limited, Who Have On Their Panel Some Of The Biggest And Best Lenders In The Market, Who Offer A Long List Of Flexible And Wide-Ranging Loans To Help With your Loan Requirements. We are an Introducer Appointed Representative of T Dot UK Limited, who are a credit broker not a lender.
Rates from 43.1% APR to 1333% APR. Minimum Loan Length is 1 month. Maximum Loan Length is 36 months. Representative Example: 1,200 borrowed for up to 75 days. Total amount repayable is: 1506. Interest charged is 0.34% per day, amounting to 306, annual interest rate of 124% (variable). As an introducer, we will receive a fee or commission when a loan application is accepted.
Rates from 43.1% APR to 1333% APR. Minimum Loan Length is 1 month. Maximum Loan Length is 36 months. Representative Example: 1,200 borrowed for up to 75 days. Total amount repayable is: 1506. Interest charged is 0.34% per day, amounting to 306, annual interest rate of 124% (variable). As an introducer, we will receive a fee or commission when a loan application is accepted.
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