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01983 566448
If you are planning on moving to a new home, it makes sense to ensure that what will probably be your largest lifetime purchase is structurally sound and free from major defects which can cost 1000's to rectify. I carry out a comprehensive inspection and provide a detailed report on the condition of your potential purchase.
I am also happy to discuss
Yiayia Mary —
Ray has been involved in various projects and giving property advice to me since 1993. He is both knowledgeable and approachable
We are Topographic Land Surveyors & Setting-out Engineers primarily to the Isle of Wight, S. England and were established in 1993. We believe we have the most comprehensive, detailed local topographic archives available. Being a small company, we can offer our services at a reasonable level, possibly at a fraction of those charged by larger practices
Wroath —
Sorted my purposed land layout. So I could purchase and change my property boundary. Which gave me the ability to have my
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