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01306 883547
Children, staff and parents are all proud to be part of the St. Paul's family so, whether you are a prospective or current parent, a pupil at the school, or just interested in what we do, please enjoy looking round and finding out more about us. St. Paul's School was founded in 1860. After many changes over the years, our current building is a blend
Sam Steel —
I love this school
It is the best!
The teachers are epic!
We do some really fun stuff
Congratulations to all children in KS2 who took part in today's Race for Life run in aid of Cancer Research, the children did brilliantly well in the heat. Thank you for all your generous donations, so far we have raised 305. On Wednesday morning, 78 children set off from school on an adventure. We took a gentle route (but still quite a climb) up to
St Joseph's, Dorking's only Catholic School, was founded at Falkland Grove in 1873 by Minna, the Duchess of Norfolk. The school remained at the site adjacent to St Joseph's Church until 1970, when the present building on Norfolk Road was purchased from the trustees of Powell Corderoy School. In 1975, St Joseph's - under Surrey reorganisation - ceased
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