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07980 254159
UCT Essex is a new club teaching Practical Wing Chun and Escrima Concepts in Saffron Walden Essex. Our friendly school is open to males and females of all abilities, ages 18 and up. Come and try a FREE class! Escrima Concepts is a fighting system developed by Grand Master Steve Tappin. Teaching the full system of unarmed and armed including control
P. Wilson —
Very lucky to have such a good Practical Wing Chun class so near to home. Highly recommended.
The Academy was established in 1989 by instructors qualified in a variety of martial arts and combat disciplines. We offer high-quality, safe and fun classes in a friendly and appropriately relaxed environment. Integrated fighting arts - our martial arts training sessions include both stand-up and fighting on the ground.
You will learn to strike effectively
Ollie Batts —
I have had the pleasure of working with Ollie Batts, from Cambridge Academy, since 1995. My first aquaintance with Ollie
We are a small group who train in the Japanese system of Wado-Ryu. We are a traditional club, dedicated to very high technical standards, established since 1992. Cambridge Temple Karate Club is a member of the British Institute of Karate Organisation ( BIKO). Chief Instructor, Sensei K. Henville 7th Dan Renshi, is also Chairman of British Institute
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