The Sywell Aviation Museum (SAM) is a voluntary, non-profit-making organisation which aims to preserve the history of Sywell Aerodrome and Northamptonshire's rich aviation heritage from the early days of aviation to the Second World War and beyond. SAM began life in 1998 and the Museum building was opened in 2001 by the legendary aviator Alex Henshaw MBE who was also our honorary president.
Alex flew from Sywell regularly during the Second World War, airtesting Vickers Wellingtons from the aerodrome so we were honoured that he agreed to launch our small Museum. The Museum originally consisted of three Nissen huts, dismantled at thew now-closed RAF Bentwaters and erected on site at Sywell.
Alex flew from Sywell regularly during the Second World War, airtesting Vickers Wellingtons from the aerodrome so we were honoured that he agreed to launch our small Museum. The Museum originally consisted of three Nissen huts, dismantled at thew now-closed RAF Bentwaters and erected on site at Sywell.
We could not call ourselves the Sywell Aviation Museum without in-depth coverage of Sywell Aerodrome's own history, so the Paul Morgan Hall is devoted to Sywell itself. Opened in 1928, the airfield has seen many events in its own lifetime. Many famous faces have visited the aerodrome and it has been important in wartime and postwar aviation.
We have free WiFi facilities - the access code is sywell887 - and around the museum you will find various QR codes - these can be scanned by your mobile device to take you to a WiKi page or Youtube video explaining all about the particular exhibit in question. Accessibility - there is a small ramp leading into the entrance hall, and we have made efforts to keep walkways within the museum wide enough for a wheelchair.
During our open days we are asked many questions - hopefully here we can answer a few of them for you. Since the tragic accident at Shoreham, the CAA have imposed stringent rules and regulations on Airshows and Airshow organisers. There are significant cost implications and many Airshows have been cancelled.
Sywell Aviation Museum is passionate about encouraging young people to become involved in aviation. Over a period of nearly 20 years the Museum has taken over 15,000 young people around the Museum and Aerodrome as part of its Young Aviator Tours. In 2014 this was recognised by the Northamptonshire Museum's Forum with the award of 'Best Community Project'.
If you are interested in becoming a member, please come along to one of our monthly meetings which are held in The Aviator Hotel at Sywell Aerodrome on the last Thursday of every month (except December) at 20.00 hrs. Alternatively, drop into the Museum on any of our open days during the season and have a chat and a cup of coffee with one of our friendly volunteers.