Grab a Copy of our FREE 30 day Nutrition Guide to Ensure You Make the Most of Your Efforts. And when your life is already full of demands for your attention, adding more to the list can become exhausting or even overwhelming. Working with a Coach who can guide you forward to improved health, well-being and increased energy may be just what you need right now.
Our 30 day guide is not an "Eat these meals, lose this weight" diet approach. Rather it is a complete over view starting with a 2 day preparation phase followed by a 4 week holiday for your hormonal functions. Giving your system a rest in order to function at its peak.
Our 30 day guide is not an "Eat these meals, lose this weight" diet approach. Rather it is a complete over view starting with a 2 day preparation phase followed by a 4 week holiday for your hormonal functions. Giving your system a rest in order to function at its peak.
If you are looking for assistance with your health and fitness, your nutritional approach or just a way to unclutter the noise of contradictory information out there, then you are in the right place. DCSfit is here as a one-stop-shop to all things health and fitness related. It is an ever expanding and evolving resource ensuring that, if you have a desire for change, we will help you find the right tools to make the most from your efforts.
Without it, you can't work, give time to family or relationships and you are likely to become a burden on those closest to you. So, the question is, why do health and fitness improvements tend to end up low on the priority list? Health & Fitness is portrayed as something to 'get right'.
The list of things to plan for, (counting calories, developing a workout plan, getting to the gym, getting that niggling pain looked at by a physio etc) can feel like further overwhelm.And to do it right needs more time than you currently have available. So it gets bumped to next week. Coaching, done well, removes the overwhelm and keeps you moving forward in a way that works within your current lifestyle.
The list of things to plan for, (counting calories, developing a workout plan, getting to the gym, getting that niggling pain looked at by a physio etc) can feel like further overwhelm.And to do it right needs more time than you currently have available. So it gets bumped to next week. Coaching, done well, removes the overwhelm and keeps you moving forward in a way that works within your current lifestyle.
By entering your details below you are NOT agreeing to proceed with any services, you are simply arranging a time & date to come in and discuss how we may be able to work together to improve your health, fitness, self image, energy levels and general approach to your own well being. Please add your best 2 options for coming to our facility just to the West of Glasgow and I will come back to you via email to confirm.
Our Nutrition Plan has been proven to create dramatic improvements in hormonal response and therefore your body's ability to optimally burn fat or build muscle (depending on your approach). Although this plan is not, in itself, intended as a fat or weight loss plan, many of those who's primary goal was fat loss dropped between 8 and 12lbs safely and effectively over the 4 weeks.
Health & Fitness is an all-encompassing term. Whether you are looking to improve your own health, fitness and well-being or you are looking to build a career in the industry helping others, it's hard to do it in a vacuum. With more tools, resources & information available than ever before, it's hard to know where to start to serve your needs.
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