Thank you for taking the time to visit us. This website aims to give you a taster of Avondale School, as well as providing regular updated information for parents, pupils and visitors. However, the only way to get the full picture is to come and see what we do. We would be delighted to show you round our happy, caring school and answer any questions that you may have.
Please call in or telephone to make an appointment.
Please call in or telephone to make an appointment.
Welcome to the section of the website where you can find out more about the school's governors, and the work that we do. All Governors are encouraged to take an active part in the life and governance of the school as well as being given the opportunity to use and develop their own skills to help the children gain as much benefit as they possibly can from their time at Avondale Primary School.
At Avondale our 'School Values' link closely to our British Values and are promoted within our curriculum, our classrooms, our ethos and the general interaction between all of the Avondale family. Along with our intent statement and school motto, these values sum up the distinctive nature of Avondale School.
School Direct is a Government scheme to recruit and train high quality graduates into the teaching profession. Training is delivered through designated Teaching Schools and Alliances. Avondale is a member of the TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More) Alliance headed by Wensley Fold CE Primary Academy and The Redeemer CE Primary School.
At Avondale we are very lucky to have a large multi media suite which houses computers, laptops, IPads and a school radio. Children have weekly lessons as well as using technology in the classroom. Here at Avondale E Safety is taught regularly throughout the year with a series of lessons for each year group.
Money Management is a scheme provided by the Charity DebtAware. They work with schools to train Year 5 and 6 children up to become Money Mentors. These children then deliver lessons on how to manage money effectively in order to avoid getting into debt. In this lesson Year 5 learnt about the different types of budgets and why budgeting is important.