We hope you will enjoy reading our school website and that it gives you a flavour of school life at St Francis, however, the only way to get the full picture is to come and visit us. We would love to show you round our school and answer any questions that you may have. Please telephone to make an appointment.
St Francis Church of England Primary School is a popular voluntary aided school where we all work by our mission statement: 'Love Faith. Our Christian vision leads all of our work at school. We want our children to live fulfilling lives that are rooted in the values taught by Jesus. We welcome all children and families.
St Francis Church of England Primary School is a popular voluntary aided school where we all work by our mission statement: 'Love Faith. Our Christian vision leads all of our work at school. We want our children to live fulfilling lives that are rooted in the values taught by Jesus. We welcome all children and families.
Many of our teaching units this year have a link to water; canals, rivers, the water cycle and lakes. Therefore, The Canal and River Trust is our chosen class charity. The Canal and River Trust have set us a challenge for which you can earn a Challenge Badge. You must complete an activity in each of the different areas linked to the canal.
This year, it is really important that children learn all times tables up to 12x12, with rapid recall, in order to become more confident and fluent when calculating. At the end of the year, all Year 4 children will complete the multiplication check. Please practise times tables as much as possible with your children at home.
I hope you will find everything you need on here but if you have any questions that can't be answered, feel free to speak to me at the door at home time. As mentioned at Meet The Teacher evening, here are the Kent Statements we will be using this year to assess your child. Within these documents you will see the grading process and how the marker came to their conclusions over 6 pieces of work.
Here at St. Francis, we use a validated Department for Education complete systematic synthetics phonics (SSP) programme. We have chosen a SSP that builds on the work we have already completed as a school and that aligns tightly to our new Teaching and Learning Policy. We use Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised (2021) SSP.
To ensure that children can develop a functional 'tripod grip' to hold their pencil with, it is really important that they have good gross motor skills (big movements using legs and arms) to then allow the fine motor skills (small movements using fingers) to develop. If your child is struggling with smaller movement, it might be worth supporting their development of their larger movements first.
Reviews (1)
Mick Kirby
Sep 19, 2018