The term 'Physiotherapist' is a protected title requiring registration with the Health & Care Professionals Council. I offer physiotherapy services in West Sussex and Hampshire (based between Portsmouth and Chichester), specialising in the physiotherapy assessment and treatment of children usually in their own home.
Physiotherapy is the treatment of disease, injury, or deformity by physical methods such as massage and exercise. The practice aims to assist in promoting a better quality of life based on current research evidence and best practice.
Physiotherapy is the treatment of disease, injury, or deformity by physical methods such as massage and exercise. The practice aims to assist in promoting a better quality of life based on current research evidence and best practice.
I specialise in the assessment and therapy for children and young adults with delayed or disordered motor skills. I also have an interest in treating children complaining of joint or muscle pains including back and abdominal pain. I am currently involved in a multi-disciplinary special interest group looking into using physiotherapy to help children with chronic abdominal pain.
The Services I can offer are: assessment, individual therapy and training for parents and carers. An appointment is arranged following a discussion of the child's difficulty and gives an indication as to whether physiotherapy may help. Initial Assessments are either carried out over the telephone or at the beginning of the first appointment.
Thanks for seeing Oliver again, we always come away from your appointments feeling so positive! Gina wanted Finley to know all about his leg muscles and how they work. She got her magic dust out and sprinkled it on herself and Finley. They counted to three and 'BOOM' they shrank down so small, even smaller than a flea, they held hands, and then they opened their eyes.
The Lite Gait Trainer was developed in the USA to treat adults and children with neurological problems improve balance and walking abilities. It has been used when treating children with cerebral palsy and down's syndrome to help provide a safe environment to practise balance skills, crawling and stepping skills.
No you don't - but most health insurance policies do require that you are referred by a doctor or consultant if they are to cover the cost of the treatment. Please contact your insurance company if you are unsure about this. If you are paying your own treatment costs then you can contact the physiotherapist directly.
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