Welcome to Greens Funeral Services - We are a truly independent family business. The Green family have been helping bereaved families in our area with personal service of the highest quality for 150 years. Our directors and staff are a team of dedicated professionals who provide a personal service to you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and we pride ourselves on personal attention to every detail.
From simple, elegant funeral services, to elaborate and unique celebrations we are here to help, advise and serve you. When a family use Green's Funerals Eynsham and Witney we make a promise to look after you to the best of our ability. Please look at our website for advice, guidance and information and feel free to phone one of our offices if you have any questions at all.
From simple, elegant funeral services, to elaborate and unique celebrations we are here to help, advise and serve you. When a family use Green's Funerals Eynsham and Witney we make a promise to look after you to the best of our ability. Please look at our website for advice, guidance and information and feel free to phone one of our offices if you have any questions at all.
Green's Funeral Services are a family owned and managed business with offices in Eynsham and Witney in Oxfordshire. We are the longest established funeral business in Oxfordshire, being founded in 1866. We believe the success of our business has come from providing a genuine, honest service giving families in our care both a quality service and good value.
At Green's Funeral Services we have a wealth of experience at arranging all manner of funerals from the most simple private funerals to civic funerals with over 1000 mourners attending. No two funerals are ever the same and although we are here to support you through the process it is not our decision what funeral should take place.
Gives families the security that we are meeting a nationally recognised standard within the business. This is an important document to us. It sets out exactly what Greens Funeral Services responsibilities are giving families the security and reassurance that the funeral arrangements will be performed in a professional manner.
At Green's Funeral Services we make every effort to understand the needs of each family we work with and provide a service which gives both quality and value. We are very happy to tailor each and every funeral to your needs and budget. A traditional funeral is likely to cost 3,500-4,000 when all factors are taken into consideration including third party costs*.
Everything went to plan and we thank you for taking care of the small but essential details. For you all. A job well done! The best send-off for our wonderful Peter, made bearable by your understanding, helpfulness and utter professionalism. You were the calm crew of our sinking boat! Dear Annie, Thank you for the excellent and professional service yesterday.
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