Stress and Anxiety are normal 'fight and flight' responses to ensure our survival in dangerous situations, however in everyday life, these reactions are seldom required. Of course modern day life can be challenging but too often our brain will misinterpret the constant bombardment of life's situations and the result of this becomes anxiety and stress.
If you find that you are irritable, suffering from insomnia, intolerant or over sensitive then these are all of those modern day responses. Hypnotherapy is a talking therapy which helps to reduce anxiety and stress by focusing on your desired future and providing you with tools to help you to move towards it.
If you find that you are irritable, suffering from insomnia, intolerant or over sensitive then these are all of those modern day responses. Hypnotherapy is a talking therapy which helps to reduce anxiety and stress by focusing on your desired future and providing you with tools to help you to move towards it.
HPD - (Hypnotherapy Practitioners Diploma) the 'Gold Standard of Hypnotherapy' accredited jointly by the National Council for Hypnotherapy and NCFE (National Council for Further Education). It's not uncommon to feel as if something is holding you back from doing what you really want to do. Maybe you want to be more in control of your feelings - managing stress or anxiety so that you can be more successful in your work or personal life?
If you suffer from anxiety you are probably aware that you are constantly predicting the future in a negative way, how the anxiety can sabotage any positive thoughts, how it can stop you from socialising and get in the way of relationships. We now know that anxiety derives from primitive responses that have evolved to keep us in a state of high alert when we are in danger.
Anxiety can be challenging for anyone to deal with, but for teenagers and young adults it comes at the same time that they are experiencing massive changes in personal identify and physical development. When this happens the anxiety can become the over-riding emotion and cripples their ability to think or function properly.
Stress is your body's reaction to a threat and is generally a short-term experience. Stress can be positive or negative. When stress kicks in and helps you achieve a deadline then it can be positive. When stress becomes long term and results in insomnia, poor concentration, and impairs your ability to do things then it becomes very negative.
Losing weight can be one of the hardest things that we try to do. We are often encouraged to think of dieting and exercise as the only way to approach weight loss but these seldom work or only work short term.
If you have tried this approach you probably know exactly how hard and frustrating it can be and it's not unusual to go through cycles of losing weight only to put it back on again making the whole effort demoralizing and frustrating which can lead to low self-esteem and body dysmorphia.
If you have tried this approach you probably know exactly how hard and frustrating it can be and it's not unusual to go through cycles of losing weight only to put it back on again making the whole effort demoralizing and frustrating which can lead to low self-esteem and body dysmorphia.