My principle qualifications in the field of therapy are in Ericksonian psychotherapy, clinical hypnotherapy and Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP). I am also trained in the use of Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT) and Brooksonian Non-Attachment Therapy (NAT). To achieve rapid therapeutic change, I combine all these skills as necessary and appropriate.
Psychotherapy is a general term referring to the therapeutic interaction between a trained professional and a client. The issues addressed are psychological in nature. Psychotherapy aims to increase a person's sense of well-being. My approach to psychotherapy is based on the teachings of a therapist called Milton H. Erickson who was a master of brief therapy, hence the name Ericksonian Psychotherapy.
Psychotherapy is a general term referring to the therapeutic interaction between a trained professional and a client. The issues addressed are psychological in nature. Psychotherapy aims to increase a person's sense of well-being. My approach to psychotherapy is based on the teachings of a therapist called Milton H. Erickson who was a master of brief therapy, hence the name Ericksonian Psychotherapy.
Dr Albert Schweitzer once said: Patients carry their own doctor inside. They come to us not knowing that truth. We are at our best when we give the physician who resides within each patient a chance to go to work. With skilful hypnotherapy, we can discover and use inner resources that we're not ordinarily aware of.
Given that hypnotherapy can be utilised to access a person's inner potential and that probably no one is performing to their actual potential, then this answer is literally true. However, it is not just potential which Hypnotherapy is well placed to address but also one's inner resources to effect beneficial change.
When aspects of our lives become stressful for us, it can sometimes be difficult to remember to take time to relax, unwind and gain a clearer, healthier perspective on our problems. As tension or anxiety in one area builds without release, it can begin to affect other areas of our lives - work problems can influence family life - relationship difficulties can take a toll on our productivity at work, and so on.
Have you perhaps been successful for a period, only to relapse in a moment of 'weakness' or stress? Unfortunately, unless the psychological and habitual aspects of smoking are adaquately addressed, the risks of relapse may be higher. Because the world is so complex, a habit we adopt as a solution in one context can become a problem to be solved in a different context.
A certain amount of adrenalin flowing is useful and appropriate, a spur to being alert, to concentrating fully and to performing well. These unpleasant symptoms may themselves add to your worrying. They can drain your energy, reducing your ability to concentrate and distracting you from your revision.
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