It is my pleasure to welcome you to our website. I hope it helps to inform you about our aims and ethos, which are underpinned by the school's Christian distinctiveness and values. At South Bersted Church of England Primary School, we strongly believe in building positive working relationships; working collaboratively with our families to provide our children with the best opportunities educationally, socially and emotionally.
At South Bersted Church of England Primary School, our school vision is underpinned by John 10;10, 'Life in all its fullness.' Our vision is to ensure that effective teaching and a creative, child centred approach, together with an emphasis on Christian Values and beliefs, enables all learners to embrace challenges and become life long learners in a safe, secure and nurturing environment.
At South Bersted Church of England Primary School, our school vision is underpinned by John 10;10, 'Life in all its fullness.' Our vision is to ensure that effective teaching and a creative, child centred approach, together with an emphasis on Christian Values and beliefs, enables all learners to embrace challenges and become life long learners in a safe, secure and nurturing environment.
The admissions policy of this school is common to all County and Controlled Schools in West Sussex. The policy is published by the Local Authority. You may obtain a copy of this policy and additional information from the West Sussex Website here. Children usually begin school at the beginning of the academic year (September) in which they become five.
At South Bersted Church of England Primary School, our Christian Ethos underpins all aspects of our school life and community. As part of the school's vision, 'we are committed to enriching pupils' moral and spiritual development inspiring all to become caring, responsible 21st century global citizens.'
South Bersted CE Primary School is supported by a Governing Body of thirteen people who come from all walks of life and bring many different skills and experiences to the role. What unites us is a desire to see the best for the school of which we are all very proud.
We passionately believe that our children must have the very best education and enrichment we can offer so they eventually leave school with some real choices to make about their future jobs, careers, further education and life style.Governors advise and support the headteacher and staff, working with the school to meet the needs of the children whilst ensuring that the school provides good value for money.
We passionately believe that our children must have the very best education and enrichment we can offer so they eventually leave school with some real choices to make about their future jobs, careers, further education and life style.Governors advise and support the headteacher and staff, working with the school to meet the needs of the children whilst ensuring that the school provides good value for money.
The Pupil Premium funding is allocated to schools based on the number of children who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM); those who have been eligible at any point over the last 6 years (Ever 6); children of service families and children who are looked after by the local authority (CLA). This funding is to be used to ensure that these pupils make good progress and achieve well in their education.
Academic achievement is very important. We want our pupils to achieve as highly as they can and this means making the progress we would expect and more. It is our responsibility to deliver a curriculum which excites and engages our children and at the same time gives them the skills and knowledge they need for the future.
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