Italian-born, I have made my home in Scotland, and I offer a wide range of massage therapies to improve health and enhance the quality of life, both mentally and physically. I have a broad knowledge of health issues including stretching and fitness regimes. With a background of leading treks in the Himalayas for ten years and as a marathon runner, I recognise the importance of bodywork for those who enjoy sport and activity.
I have worked as a massage therapist in a sports clinic and in a GP practice, and these days I actively collaborate with several colleague practitioners - physiotherapists, chiropractors, sports coaches, and with the staff of Run and Become. I have also completed specialist training in Hyperton-X (a muscle energy technique), Thai massage, trigger point release, Slavic massage and craniosacral therapy.
I have worked as a massage therapist in a sports clinic and in a GP practice, and these days I actively collaborate with several colleague practitioners - physiotherapists, chiropractors, sports coaches, and with the staff of Run and Become. I have also completed specialist training in Hyperton-X (a muscle energy technique), Thai massage, trigger point release, Slavic massage and craniosacral therapy.
Many people associate oils with massage. However oils have disadvantages both for the massager and the massaged - they are slippery and so give less control to the therapist, they spill, and they leave an oily residue on the skin which many clients complain about. So in come waxes. Massage waxes melt immediately onto the skin, giving a perfect surface for the massage therapist to work on.
I will do some postural checks and begin the treatment modality, based on my recommendation and your agreement. You do not need to be completely undressed as it is customary to wear underwear. In addition you will be draped with towels. If you don't want to get undressed at all then there are therapies where you can remain fully clothed, like Indian Head Massage, Reflexology or Kinetic Chain Release.
Advanced massage techniques are effective for a wide range of ailments, including chronic back pain, trapped nerves, arthritis and migraine and frozen shoulder. Whatever your sport, whatever your level, regular sports massage helps maintain good muscle condition and improves flexibility, as well as helping you to recover from injuries.
Whatever your sport, whatever your level, regular sports massage helps maintain good muscle condition and improves flexibility. Regular sports massage can be a tremendous supplement to serious training, allowing you to train a high level but much more safely. If you are a regular participant in the ParkRun events, massage can help you improve your PB (you can catch me in the white top as I run past the camera here!)
Deep tissue massage is a remedial massage technique, focusing on the deeper layers of muscle tissue. Long slow strokes are used on the affected area, either following or going across the muscle fibres, tendons and fascia. In the course of a deep tissue massage, tiny contraction knots (called trigger points) may be discovered.
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