120 places in each age group from Reception (start of statutory school age) to Year 6 (final primary year before transfer to High school);. Our school is a fantastic place to learn, achieve and thrive. With excellent teaching and an engaging curriculum we are committed to help every child excel and reach their potential - academically and socially.
Starting school in Nursery or Reception for the first time is a milestone in a child's life. Other children join us from local schools, by moving into our area from other parts of the UK or abroad. We are proud of our spacious site with its modern facilities, superb resources and happy, purposeful atmosphere.
Starting school in Nursery or Reception for the first time is a milestone in a child's life. Other children join us from local schools, by moving into our area from other parts of the UK or abroad. We are proud of our spacious site with its modern facilities, superb resources and happy, purposeful atmosphere.
Ealing Council and the Governing Board of Fielding Primary School are planning to open an 'Additionally Resourced Provision' (ARP) for Reception to Year 6 pupils (aged 4 to 11 years old) who have an education, health & care plan (EHCP) with needs on the Autistic Spectrum and related Speech, Language and Communication needs.
Every maintained school must publish specific information on its website to comply with The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012. Details shown are available from other sections of the school website but have been collated here for ease of reference and to support pre-inspection preparation by Ofsted.
In-year admissions for Fielding are managed centrally by Ealing Council and are based on the current admission criteria for community schools. Once you have been notified by Ealing Council of a place at Fielding for your child(ren), make arrangements to visit us. Contact Admissions at Fielding by telephone or through our Contact Form.
The report is overwhelmingly favourable, accurately reflecting the work of the school. During the inspection, one pupil told inspectors, 'this school is as close to perfect as you are going to get.' Share your views through Parent View. Parents and carers can give their views of our school at any time of the school year and at the time of a school inspection using an online questionnaire called Parent View.
Fielding's pupils make very good academic progress and achieve very well compared to their peers locally in Ealing and nationally. We aim for as many pupils as possible to meet age-related expectations based on the National Curriculum by the end of each year group. Many pupils will meet these expectations during the school year and will start to apply their learning in different ways to work at greater depth.
Reviews (1)
Emmanuelle Guillaudeux
Nov 22, 2019