Swanton Morley VC Primary school is a very successful Church of England school dedicated to meeting the needs of all its children. Our aim is for our children to work hard, enjoy themselves and learn through a wide and varied curriculum that provides real life context, clallenges and experiences. This learning also goes beyond the curriculum; it enables the children to develop into self-confident, well-motivated individuals who have the ability to make really significant and positive contributions to society.
As a Church of England primary school, our vision is to live well together and enable children to flourish as individuals who not only succeed academically, but embrace the responsibility to serve the common good of the school and beyond. With our unique local community, we welcome many 'neighbours' to our school and follow Jesus' teachings.
Our aim is that children should enjoy their time at school. They should experience success, be healthy and safe, be challenged and stimulated, develop self-confidence and self-discipline and become confident, well-balanced individuals who are tolerant of others and well motivated. At Swanton Morley VC Primary School we all work together to ensure our Christian vision is truly lived and in evidence every day.
The School is a Voluntary Controlled (VC) Church of England School catering for children from 4 to 11 of all denominations, religions and ethnic backgrounds. It serves the parishes of Swanton Morley, Hoe and Bylaugh. It was historically a Church of England School and as such retains three foundation governors appointed by the Church, although the local authority funds the the running of the school.
Children begin in the Reception class or Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and then progress through six further years of education, following the National Curriculum, from Year 1 to Year 6. The majority of pupils who leave at the end of Key Stage 2 transfer to one of the two Dereham high schools, either Neatherd or Northgate; a small number children move on to high schools in Litcham and Reepham.
Swanton Morley VC Primary School is a 'healthy school'. All food provided by the school is carefully chosen to be nutritious, healthy and contain the right amount of energy (calories) that different children need during the school day. Where food is brought into school, such as in packed lunches, parents are actively encouraged to follow same model of healthy eating.
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