Hawksworth Church Of England Primary School
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Hawksworth Church Of England Primary School
On behalf of the pupils, staff and governors, I would like to welcome you and your family to Hawksworth Church of England (VA) Primary School - which has been educating children for one hundred and forty-seven years. We have high aspirations for every child and an expectation that they will excel and achieve their potential.

We provide an inspirational and creative curriculum, rich in opportunity and full of challenge. We understand that every child is precious - an individual blessed with their own unique set of gifts and talents and we work hard to encourage and support each child as they discover where their strengths lie.
As a result of outstanding, motivating and inspirational staff and teaching, each child makes sustained progress. The teaching of reading, writing, communication and mathematics is exceptional and each child makes excellent progress. Teachers plan challenging and enjoyable tasks based on accurate assessment of pupils' prior skills, knowledge and understanding - supported by an outstanding, creative curriculum.
The DfE have reinforced the need "to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs." We aim to provide the highest quality education, for each and every child, in partnership with parents, within a happy, respectful and tolerant Christian community.
Every member of staff knows every single child at Hawksworth - this is a real community, where we know a child's age, their siblings and their parents. Equally each child knows the name of every other child in the school. We promote belonging and a real sense of unity. Our teacher/pupil ratio is high, so children receive more one-to-one teaching time and a highly-personalised learning experience.
If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. Alternatively contact the school office directly. The Governors at Hawksworth Church of England Primary School are the Admissions Authority and it is a legal requirement that they have a clearly defined and published admission policy for the school.
We, at Hawksworth CE Primary School provide a happy, nurturing and supportive environment founded on the principles of the Christian faith; helping to develop children's spiritual growth and moral understanding. All members of our school community are valued and respected, so that everyone can have a positive attitude to themselves, others and life.
Reviews (3)
Sinead Louise Kendrick
Sinead Louise Kendrick
Nov 23, 2019
After moving into the area 3 months ago and moving my 3 children (2 in reception and one in year 4) to Hawksworth I couldn't have asked for a better school. Mr Norris and the staff are ALL amazing and all 3 children have settled well and have come on in leaps and bounds already after just a short time. you know as a parent when you sit there and think I just want the best for my kids well the Hawksworth family are it! special shout out to Miss Hewitt she is amazing at her job!
Paddie Breeze
Paddie Breeze
Jul 16, 2019
Having volunteered for 20 years at this magical school, I have seen so many children grow into confident caring and delightful young people. A credit to the School and their parents.
Anna Mewes
Anna Mewes
Apr 25, 2019
We absolutely love Hawksworth and our son couldn't be happier there! Wonderful staff, fantastic parents and a nurturing supportive community for all.