We know this is a difficult and worrying time for everyone, especially for adults and children living with domestic abuse and the professionals working hard to support them. We know that some of our families are struggling with food during this time. Please do not hesitate to contact the school by replying to the teachers2parents text service.
We will do what we can to help. We aim to make learning as fun and as innovative as possible in a safe and stimulating environment, where all children are given opportunities to grow academically, morally and socially. As a parent/carer, we hope that you will approach us with anything that concerns or worries you.
We will do what we can to help. We aim to make learning as fun and as innovative as possible in a safe and stimulating environment, where all children are given opportunities to grow academically, morally and socially. As a parent/carer, we hope that you will approach us with anything that concerns or worries you.
You can also visit Year Group Pages for photographs, curriculum newsletters and ideas for how to help your child with their learning. At St Mary's we value the views of parents and carers. Please don't hesitate to talk to your child's class teacher if you would like to discuss your child's education or contact the office if you would like to make an appointment to see a member of the Senior Leadership Team.
Middleton St Mary's CE (VC) Primary School has existed on its present site since 1971. The school has lovely grounds; a playing field, yard and garden space for our 420 pupils and 39 place nursery pupils to enjoy. 53% of pupils are eligible for Pupil Premium. We are a Voluntary Controlled Church of England School linked to the Diocese of Leeds, with a close working relationship with St Mary's Parish Church.
Within the community, and linked to St Mary's Church is the Parochial Hall which is a large building situated on North Lingwell Road. Built in 1935, it stands in its own grounds with plenty of car parking to the rear of the building. There is the large hall & lounge, also a stage with sound system and lighting and bar facilities.
Our School Business Manager makes all offers of nursery places on behalf of the school Headteacher and the Governing Board. If you wish your child to start at our Nursery you should complete an admissions form and return to the school office as soon as possible. Children are allocated according to availability after a child's third birthday.
At Middleton St Mary's we believe pupil attainment, achievement and development depend on regular attendance in school. Encouraging good attendance is the shared responsibility of the school, pupils, parents and all other educational partners. The aim of our school is to offer a broad, creative and inclusive curriculum and an ethos which will encourage our children to have a sense of belonging to the school community.