On behalf of everyone at Holywell Green Primary School, may I offer you a very warm welcome to our school. We hope that the information on this website will answer many of your questions and help you to know more about the life and work of our very special school. Holywell Green Primary School is a mainstream primary school situated in the village of Holywell Green near Halifax.
We have a commitment to inclusive education and strive to maintain a high quality learning environment in which all children are happy, excited and engaged in order for them to succeed with confidence. Visitors to our school frequently comment on the warmth of relationships and excellent behaviour they see amongst all involved in our school.
We have a commitment to inclusive education and strive to maintain a high quality learning environment in which all children are happy, excited and engaged in order for them to succeed with confidence. Visitors to our school frequently comment on the warmth of relationships and excellent behaviour they see amongst all involved in our school.
Holywell Green Primary School provides a welcoming, happy and stimulating learning environment where there is a commitment to high standards. We strive to realise individual potential and develop respect for the community to which our children belong.
In Key Stage 1 pupils are taught about similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods, how changes within living memory reveal changes in national life and about events beyond living memory that are significant nationally.They also learn about the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national achievements.
In Key Stage 1 pupils are taught about similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods, how changes within living memory reveal changes in national life and about events beyond living memory that are significant nationally.They also learn about the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national achievements.
As part of our home learning package we are using the National Oak Academy online resources. This includes teacher led lessons that can be followed at home to ensure continuity of curriculum provision. Each class has established a timetable for your child's learning that includes lessons from the resource.
Each year group has an outline, long term plan for the year, and medium term plans for each term. Reading is taught as a discrete subject as well as being integrated across the curriculum. Phonics is taught, using the Jolly Phonics Scheme, throughout Early Years and Year 1 and into Year 2 and lower key stage 2 as required.
The school encourages all its children to wear the school uniform. We feel it creates a sense of belonging and enables the children to wear practical and comfortable clothes for school. To purchase name labels so that clothing does not go missing use this link, www.stikins.co.uk and the following registration code 10109.
At Holywell Green, what our customers (the children and their parents) think is very important to us and so we regularly canvass their opinions. Here are some comments from our annual surveys. All the adults plus teachers are really kind and welcoming. Also all the areas are so, so clean and hyjenic - Child aged 7 years (so please excuse the spelling mistake!)
Reviews (1)
Lynsey Foster
Aug 05, 2016