These should be removed at the earliest opportunity when we reopen. Another option is please attempt removal with the end of a small paper clip or wooden toothpick. This is not an orthodontic emergency. You could consider ordering online a 'boil in the bag' (heat moldable) gum shield to use and wear at night to reduce the risk of relapse (unwanted tooth movement).
It should be noted that these appliances aren't specifically designed to hold teeth in position so the manufacturer cannot be held responsible for any relapse. If the gold chain was recently placed and is now dangling down, it may be possible to cut it short. Gold is quite a soft metal and it may be possible to cut the chain using some nail scissors or nail clippers.
It should be noted that these appliances aren't specifically designed to hold teeth in position so the manufacturer cannot be held responsible for any relapse. If the gold chain was recently placed and is now dangling down, it may be possible to cut it short. Gold is quite a soft metal and it may be possible to cut the chain using some nail scissors or nail clippers.