Our vision is to create future leaders who are kind, confident and successful; leaders of themselves, leaders of their community, leaders of their world. This year we are re designing our curriculum to ensure that we give our children every opportunity, whatever their starting point, wherever they come from, an ambition for the future by developing their ability to be resilient, reflective, resourceful and collaborative.
At Newby Primary we believe it is vital that children study, understand and have great awareness of how history has shaped the world in which they live. As our intent statement describes, we believe that History shapes culture, culture shapes society and society then informs our understanding of our community, our families and ourselves.
It is important that as adults we acknowledge the stress this period of time is putting on all of us, children and adults alike. We know the pandemic has affected our lives in so many different ways. If you find that you are in need of financial support, support with food or a listening ear, please get in touch.
We hope you find everything you might need to give you an idea of what our school is about. Words, of course, don't always do somewhere justice - so please do get in touch with school and speak to someone. If you're new, why not come and visit? If you're a parent already, you know you are always welcome in school.
To create future leaders of themselves where every child recognises their own strengths and areas of improvement, developing the skill set to lead their own learning journey as they grow. To create future leaders of others by having a strong moral compass and the courage of their convictions to stand firm.
At Newby Primary School we see and do everything through our school values. We aim to be Kind, Confident and Successful in everything that we do as staff and as pupils. We also aim to help others be Kind, Confident and Successful too. Our Curriculum is designed to support children in developing our school values, as does our approach to behaviour.