Welcome, my name is Edward and I would like to help you to persuade your mind to do what you want it to do. Have you tried to change but find yourself reverting back, back to old ways of thinking, reacting or feeling? Perhaps you've tried positive thinking, self help books or using your will power and it did not work, or last.
There is a simple reason for this. You know what you want to do, but making yourself do it can sometimes be the most difficult thing in the world, unless you know how. I know you may want to feel calmer, become healthier, be free of a fear or stop smoking but have something inside your head that doesn't seem to be listening and stops you making this change, no matter how hard you have tried.
There is a simple reason for this. You know what you want to do, but making yourself do it can sometimes be the most difficult thing in the world, unless you know how. I know you may want to feel calmer, become healthier, be free of a fear or stop smoking but have something inside your head that doesn't seem to be listening and stops you making this change, no matter how hard you have tried.
Feelings of anxiety are something that we may all have to deal with from time to time. Have you ever felt like you are a born worrier, or feel anxious or overreacting at the slightest thing? The way you think causes this reaction. Some therapy, methods of relaxation or meditation may help for a while but sooner or later the programmes inside your mind begin again.
Real confidence comes from within; it is part of you. A child learns how they should behave and respond from their parents, friends, and teachers and as the child grows so can their confidence, or it can be knocked. Anything can knock your confidence, lower your self-esteem or make you doubt yourself.
There are well over 500 recognised phobias, from spiders and heights to the most common one, public speaking. There are the more unusual ones such as mycophobia, (a phobia of mushrooms). A phobia is an irrational fear, giving the sufferer an intense desire to avoid something, whether an object, event or situation and can vary in severity from person to person.
Would you like to become a non smoker and be free from cigarettes for the rest of your life? Becoming a non smoker doesn't have to be difficult and could even be easier than you thought because you weren't born a smoker; it is something you have learned to do. Do you remember the first cigarette you smoked?
Are you fed up with eating too much or feel like you have been dieting all your life? You are not alone. To some people the idea of a slimmer, healthy body is something they wish for but have never been able to achieve, or keep for long. You can programme yourself to eat less, weigh less and exercise more if you learn how to use the power of your mind to help you.