Hart Hill Nursery School is a maintained, resourced based, nursery school. We are passionate about what we provide for the children who attend and ensure that the children are at the heart of everything we do. I am extremely proud to be part of Hart Hill Nursery School and on behalf of the talented, experienced staff team and the Governing Body would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and thank you for browsing our website.
I hope that find everything that you are looking for, however please do not hesitate to contact the school should you have any further questions. Hart Hill Nursery School has an open door policy and welcomes you and your family to be part of our school, we are keen to listen to any ideas and thoughts you have related to the education and care of your child and all staff are available to support you with concerns or difficulties you may face.
I hope that find everything that you are looking for, however please do not hesitate to contact the school should you have any further questions. Hart Hill Nursery School has an open door policy and welcomes you and your family to be part of our school, we are keen to listen to any ideas and thoughts you have related to the education and care of your child and all staff are available to support you with concerns or difficulties you may face.
At Hart Hill Nursery School, our curriculum is built up from a number of different schemes and various support guidance from across the sector, as well as well founded research of child's early education. Developing physical skills to be ready for early writing, through finger gym activities and PE.
If you feel that your child is entitled to 30 hours free education and childcare, please use our handy guide to help to apply now. There is no guarantee that we will be able to give everyone a place, as these are limited. Children currently attending Little Harts (2 year old year provision) and are moving into the main nursery.
Please speak to them if there is anything that you would be interested in attending and you would like more information. Shona and Toni are available to talk to you if there is something you are struggling with. They can signpost you to networks to support your family for areas including behaviour management, general concerns with regards to sleeping, eating and toileting, housing problems and health concerns.
Hart Hill Nursery is a designated school for a small number of children with severe and complex special needs and the school is committed to inclusion. Our SENCo is Antonia Robinson, who is happy to help with any enquiries. All children are integrated into the nursery and we have many methods of support put into place to help both them and their families.