Digby formed TeleBeam back in 2006, after running his own Architectural practice since 1980. Digby started in mechanical engineering and then transferred to construction and architecture where he feels his passion lies.
Today, he plays a vital role in driving and developing the business forward by promoting and undertaking CPD (Continued Professional Development) presentations and talks at regional shows including The National Home Building and Renovating Show, Grand Designs Live, Build It Live and the National Self Build & Renovation Show.Helen started TeleBeam together with Digby back in 1980 having previously worked with Digby in his Architectural business.
Today, he plays a vital role in driving and developing the business forward by promoting and undertaking CPD (Continued Professional Development) presentations and talks at regional shows including The National Home Building and Renovating Show, Grand Designs Live, Build It Live and the National Self Build & Renovation Show.Helen started TeleBeam together with Digby back in 1980 having previously worked with Digby in his Architectural business.
You get great results with a TeleBeam installation, and we liaise closely with you on your project. TeleBeam's multi-award winning technology breaks the mould, allowing post 1960's trussed roof houses to be converted with a minimum of disruption. Telebeam can also be used for traditional roofs.
The TeleBeam system is a great way of doing loft conversions, we feel it takes away any hassle of planning and building regs, it's so simple but effective.We would recommend this to everyone. The simplicity and flexibility of the system appealed to us, it was quick and more cost effective. TeleBeam made sure the whole process was completely transparent.
The TeleBeam system is a great way of doing loft conversions, we feel it takes away any hassle of planning and building regs, it's so simple but effective.We would recommend this to everyone. The simplicity and flexibility of the system appealed to us, it was quick and more cost effective. TeleBeam made sure the whole process was completely transparent.
We understand that you will want to know as much as possible about our product before you place an order and install TeleBeam yourself. This section deals with the most common questions and concerns that people have when considering a loft conversion using TeleBeam.
If you cannot get all the answers you need from these faqs, please read our technical documents before contacting us directly, then complete our property questionnaire to receive personalised information.Yes, they are extruded in Leicestershire and the design and fabrication completed at our Wiltshire based offices and workshop.
If you cannot get all the answers you need from these faqs, please read our technical documents before contacting us directly, then complete our property questionnaire to receive personalised information.Yes, they are extruded in Leicestershire and the design and fabrication completed at our Wiltshire based offices and workshop.
TeleBeam is installed from the outside from scaffolding (only access to one side of the eaves is needed, normally the side that the roof lights or dormers are to be provided). It requires only three rows of tiles to be removed to allow insertion of the beams. Telebeams being inserted into roof space.
Reviews (3)
Nov 10, 2021
Absolutely fantastic!!
I had my Telebeam system delivered on Monday 22nd of November and after 2 busy days and with the help of a friend, we'd got all the beams fitted and screwed in. After just over a week, I'm now at the stage where building control have signed off all structural work and I'm starting the insulation and stairs.
I don't believe I'd be anywhere close to this stage if I'd used the traditional route of steels and timbers. furthermore, I wouldn't be able to use the stair design put forward by Telebeam because of head space.
I can't express enough how thoroughly impressed I am with
I had my Telebeam system delivered on Monday 22nd of November and after 2 busy days and with the help of a friend, we'd got all the beams fitted and screwed in. After just over a week, I'm now at the stage where building control have signed off all structural work and I'm starting the insulation and stairs.
I don't believe I'd be anywhere close to this stage if I'd used the traditional route of steels and timbers. furthermore, I wouldn't be able to use the stair design put forward by Telebeam because of head space.
I can't express enough how thoroughly impressed I am with
Alam Hussain
Dec 08, 2020
Laura Tiley-Scarff
Apr 09, 2019