Beetley & District Preschool is set within the grounds of St Mary's Community Primary School in the village of Beetley, two miles from East Dereham in Norfolk. Under our previous Ofsted registration number we were rated outstanding in 2010 and 2016. The Preschool was established in 1971 and has played an active role in the community ever since then.
We believe that our children benefit most from early years education and care when we work in partnership with parents and carers. And so our aim is to support you as your child's first and most important educator by involving you in the full life of the preschool as much as possible. The Preschool is a member of the Early Years Alliance, operating under its 2013 Constitution.
We believe that our children benefit most from early years education and care when we work in partnership with parents and carers. And so our aim is to support you as your child's first and most important educator by involving you in the full life of the preschool as much as possible. The Preschool is a member of the Early Years Alliance, operating under its 2013 Constitution.
Our staff are dedicated Early Years professionals, each committed to ensuring every child at our Preschool is safe, happy and stimulated. On joining the Preschool, each child is allocated a member of staff who will be the lead practitioner responsible for that child's care and development throughout his or her time with us.
Is to have a happy, stimulating, safe environment, provided by qualified experienced staff, in which preschool children can develop to their full potential. Our staff will give your child comfort, a hug or cuddle, if they are distressed, hurt, worried, upset or instigate the need for affection. Our aim is to treat your child as you would, if you were here; we realise the importance of reassuring a distressed child.
The sessions are run by our Preschool staff and offer a safe and fun environment for young children to play, sing and learn together. We maintain a ratio of 1 adult to 8 children as a minimum. Many children who attend our Preschool make a smooth transition to primary school the September after their fourth birthday.
The Queen is celebrating a very special birthday, and she must find the perfect crown to wear for the occasion. Will she choose the crown from the royal jeweller or the royal greengrocer or the royal chocolate makers. We have been reading this story to tie in with our Family Activity Morning, theme and the Queens 90th Birthday.