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0115 961 4744
With an established product set of standard and custom Jacks and Axle Stands, the engineering team at PAR are able to provide full design, concept and production of one-off and bulk manufactured items in a range of steel grades. With full fabrication, machining and laser profiling facilites right here in Nottinghamshire we consider no job too small
Kevin Mcleod —
They are customers of ours, easy to deal with. Good payers, friendly helpful staff (all departments)
With over 41 years of expertise, we have the expertise to build bespoke trailers to your specification. Armstrong & Holmes is one of the UK's finest independent agricultural farm trailer manufacturers. We're known for our exceptional quality, undeniable trailer expertise and aftersales service.
With over 40+ years of experience in manufacturing bespoke
Maria Jones —
Excellent customer service and friendly chaps, the trailers are absolute quality at a reasonable price.
Thank you for visiting RW Agriculture. RWA are independent providers of agricultural services throughout the UK. Please browse our web site and feel free to contact us with comments, requests or for more information. RWA is rapidly becoming one of the UK's leading agricultural feed and seed merchant.
Working at the cutting edge of technology, we are
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