Living a healthy life means being pain free, it also means having the ability to fully participate in life. We achieve these goals by focusing on rehabilitation, exercise, good nutrition and stress reduction as essential adjuncts to chiropractic treatment. The Holistic Health Process ensures that you receive a far longer term benefit from you chiropractic
Sally Davill —
Highly recommend Andrew, he has helped myself and many family and friends will all kinds of back issues, thank you Andrew
Chiropractors specialise in the diagnosis, treatment and management of conditions arising from problems with musculoskeletal structures (bones, ligaments and muscles of the body) in order to relieve pain and improve function, health and wellbeing. These conditions can be caused by accidents or injuries, working practices, lack of exercise, poor posture
Graham Lindsay —
Peter is an absolutely amazing Chiropractor. His blended approach with various techniques has literally returned my back