Browse our constantly updating stock with all manner of fabulous, fun, stylish and unusual items - these are just a few of our favourite things (is there a song in there somewhere?). If you'd like more information for anything available on our website, or any other queries we'd love to hear from you!
L. R. —
Very helpful, I phoned in advance to check they had what I needed and when I got there the lady remembered and brought it

(6) (6)
01270 505588
We have our own designs made in Badges and Patches which are unique to us and therefore the customer has an item which cannot be bought on the high street. We pride ourselves on the quality of our items and shall always look for that special badge which everyone wants but they don't know they want it yet until they see it!
Paul Daniels —
Wat a great service, got back to me ASAP, sorted my order, no fuss, job done, def recommend, thank you once again
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