Muscleworks Therapy is owned and run by Andy Tamaddon, a massage therapist based in Thornton - Cleveleys. Being a huge gym enthusiast and lover of all things fitness, Andy knows the importance and benefits of regular massage on the body. Not only does he offer a number of massage treatments and cupping therapy, he's also a fully experienced head chef
Gareth Hodge Ch —
Positive: Communication, Professionalism, Quality
Just had sports / deep tissue massage with Andy. Feel great! Does exactly

(7) (7)
01253 295557
On our website you'll find our address, contact numbers, e-mails, rates, business hours, rota, masseuse's details and photos, reviews, guestbook, blog, message forum, news and gossip, video-photo buys, video-phone chat, paying on line, discounts, vouchers, gift-cards, booking and contact forms + destinations on out calls and more.
We provide quality
Heath Marsden —
One of the best massages have ever had the pleasure. nice to meet a lass caring enough about the customer who gives a relaxing
At the beginning of 2020 the online shop "The Orange Lotus" was added. The shop contains holistic, massage products and aftercare products for waxing. Your therapist Martyn; has been practising massage since completing a diploma in aromatherapy in 2005. Subsequent training includes: Hot Stone Massage, Swedish Massage and Deep Tissue Massage.
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