Two 21 end matches in one day! They previously had wins over Bury Lodge and Winchmore Hill to get there. The full squad was Wanda, Jean, Julia, Brigitte, Sue, Yasmin, Jo, Madeline and Lisa. At the Over 55 Pairs Finals day at Bush Hill Park Lisa & Wanda beat the Brentham pair easily in the Semi Final to play Cambridge Park in the Final.
That was a much more nail-biting affair. Wanda drew the winning shot with her last bowl to beat the opposition & win the Trophy for the 2nd time. The green is open April to October but the clubhouse, bar and brand new kitchen are available all year round. Powerful wireless music system. You can bowl for fun and exercise.
That was a much more nail-biting affair. Wanda drew the winning shot with her last bowl to beat the opposition & win the Trophy for the 2nd time. The green is open April to October but the clubhouse, bar and brand new kitchen are available all year round. Powerful wireless music system. You can bowl for fun and exercise.
The club nestles on the edge of Hampstead Heath below Kenwood and enjoys one of the most beautiful locations of any of London's bowls clubs. When playing on the green you feel transported to somewhere in the English countryside. Founded in 1891, the club has a long and illustrious history, as well as great facilities including a large clubhouse, a members' bar and a car park.
The splendid new Clubhouse - circa 1913, still with north west facing orientation. A tea tent stands in place of the former hayrick although the purpose of providing nourishment remains the same. In 1891, a group of bowlers rented a section of meadow from farmer Tom Ward of Fitzroy Park farm and founded the North London Bowling Club.
They know the names of the competitors, know which of them is the challenger and can identify their bowls. Remind the players that they will mark touchers immediately after the bowl has come to rest. Wait until the players have agreed the shot(s) before marking the score card or leaving the head. In a two-wood singles, they ensure that the score board shows the ends as well as the score.
No experience is required, we offer low cost lessons to anyone wishing to learn the game from scratch. The minimum 'specialist' equipment required is a set of bowls (ranging from 40 second hand to 300 new) and Bowls Shoes (15 - 60). All your clothing can be as cheap or as expensive as you like (as long as it is the correct colour).
Rolling into the clubhouse after the regular Tuesday league game, Victor Herman served up a hearty communal supper of chorizo and bacon pasta for the avid bowlers. What was the occasion? Bowling is a summer sport, and every Tuesday night during the summer is club night. After the Tuesday league games, we have a sit-down supper.