Our practice remains OPEN for all treatments and we are welcoming patients with all the necessary PPE and protocols in place. At Dovecote Dental Practice, we offer a number of cosmetic dental treatments which will not only leave you with a healthy mouth, but a fabulous smile which will help boost confidence, self-esteem and improve job prospects.
Interest free Finance is available - get in touch today! We are an Accredited Provider for the Somnowell Snoring Cure. The Somnowell is small, discreet and extremely comfortable. It works by gently holding your lower jaw in the 'recovery position' while you sleep, an ideal method for ensuring a well maintained airway.
Interest free Finance is available - get in touch today! We are an Accredited Provider for the Somnowell Snoring Cure. The Somnowell is small, discreet and extremely comfortable. It works by gently holding your lower jaw in the 'recovery position' while you sleep, an ideal method for ensuring a well maintained airway.
Our practice is fully computerised and uses the latest Dental Practice management software to manage patient records, appointments and treatment planning. We strongly believe in promoting dental health to our patients. Gillian, our Hygienist is on hand to give good advice and encourages our patients to achieve excellent oral hygiene.
Joe qualified from the University of Sheffield in 2014, following which he worked in a busy Oral Surgery department in a district hospital in Salisbury. Over the following years he has worked in Winchester, Hedge End and his native Liverpool and developed a love of General, Cosmetic and Family Dentistry.
Your first appointment allows ample time to discuss your requirements in a relaxed and friendly way. We will carry out a complete and thorough assessment which will include any dental x-rays (if they are needed). This will be followed by a discussion of the options available to you. Sometimes, where more complex dental treatment is involved, more than one appointment may be necessary.
At Dovecote Dental Health Care, our aim is to provide high quality care and treatment in a relaxed, comfortable and safe environment. We are committed to continuing education and keeping up with the changes in modern dentistry. Most of all we encourage preventive techniques - helping you maintain the health of your mouth and keep it free of tooth decay and gum disease.
Phone 01489 788114 for emergency service, an answerphone message will advise the appropriate practice number to call. We have a full emergency service for out of hours times, weekends, and when the practice is closed for holidays. We have arranged with personally known local practices to attend to any emergency that may arise.