Keep your company communicating with voice, video and international calling from wherever your employees may be. Ideal for busy professionals, salespeople, executives, people who travel overseas regularly, people that want to maintain an office presence and never miss a call. Now I'm much happier with the application and would recommend Josh to any app user.
After having several customers with issues with their current VOIP providers, always "passing the buck" and not admiting issues! I have sucsesfuly migrated them all to iHub, also recommending many new customers too. Taher made the process really quick and simple, and their support (for the little i've had to use it) has been amazing.
After having several customers with issues with their current VOIP providers, always "passing the buck" and not admiting issues! I have sucsesfuly migrated them all to iHub, also recommending many new customers too. Taher made the process really quick and simple, and their support (for the little i've had to use it) has been amazing.
As well as voice calling, Microsoft Teams VoIP Phones enables you to video conference and live share screens, so your employees, clients and customers can come together, no matter where in the world they might be. Microsoft Teams Voice Calling Plans are perfect for businesses that need flexibility when it comes to communications, so your team can work together in a way that suits them.
Become an official VoIP reseller by joining the iHub Partner Programme. Grow your business with a dependable, world-class VoIP platform and industry-leading support. When you are looking for a VoIP reseller provider, choosing iHub will mean you are in safe hands with fully automated installation for customers and 24/7 selling opportunities.
Supporting our customers is what we do best. We understand communication is at the centre of your business and with dedicated 24/7 telephone and email support and a next day engineer service, we are always on hand to ensure you are always up and running. Take a look at what our customers have to say about iHub!
Communication is at the heart of any business. Being able to stay in touch, not only with customers but with internal teams, makes for a more efficient and collaborative workplace. Microsoft Teams is being adopted across the UK as a way for businesses to stay connected from wherever they are working.
When you're looking for a new VoIP phone provider, it can be challenging to work out what is right for you and what exactly are the benefits of VoIP. We have collated some of the most common questions we are asked here. We have a dedicated switching team to assist you through each step of the process and our white glove installation service means you can get your team communicating without any hiccups.
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