Please leave a Voicemail when calling 01243-775545 as they are often attending to patients on site. They will call you back. We will be asking you to wear face coverings (nose and mouth please) when entering the practice. Payments will be taken in advance where possible over the phone to limit time in reception.
Advice is changing daily we recommend where possible you join our Facebook page @TangmereDentalCare for up-to-date information. Future dental care based in some of the most advanced technology whilst being grounded in holistic natural care focused on maintaining health. For example, we offer Cerec, a special system that uses solid porcelain to make crowns and inlays that are the safest and most durable tooth repair today.
Advice is changing daily we recommend where possible you join our Facebook page @TangmereDentalCare for up-to-date information. Future dental care based in some of the most advanced technology whilst being grounded in holistic natural care focused on maintaining health. For example, we offer Cerec, a special system that uses solid porcelain to make crowns and inlays that are the safest and most durable tooth repair today.
Reviews (10)
James Cooper
Nov 13, 2021
Nick Waite
Oct 20, 2021
Gary K.
Sep 30, 2021
Digi Barnes
Aug 04, 2021
Charlie Mugglestone
Aug 03, 2021
Carol Roberts
Jul 29, 2021
Jo Stone
Jun 07, 2021
Jennifer Smyth
Jun 01, 2021
Lisa Smith
Mar 26, 2021
Linda Gillie
Mar 01, 2021