Liverpool Irish Festival seek a History Research Group Lead to head up an exciting project to revitalise the Liverpool Irish Famine Trail. Get a short piece printed in this year's Festival newspaper, by entering our competition, held with Liverpool Year of Writing. Liverpool Irish Festival is awarded National Lottery Heritage Funding to revive Liverpool's historic Irish Famine Trail.
Open call for Irish designers/applied artists to submit work for In the Window, an October exhibition at Bluecoat Display Centre for #LIF2021.
Open call for Irish designers/applied artists to submit work for In the Window, an October exhibition at Bluecoat Display Centre for #LIF2021.
Liverpool Irish Festival brings Liverpool and Ireland closer together using arts and culture. Taking a representational voice for the Irish in Britain -and sharing Irish culture as widely as possible- the Festival is a celebration of Irish creativity, influence and connectivity. We have an all Ireland approach, inclusive of Republic, Northern and dual/multi-heritage Irish communities.
The following policy aims to share the Festival's artistic values, considerations and process. Liverpool Irish Festival brings Liverpool and Ireland closer together using arts and culture. When we say 'Ireland', we have an all-Ireland approach, including diaspora communities. By 'arts' we include both contemporary and traditional expressions, across all art forms and creative practices (including applied arts and new technologies).
Sharing our business vision, goals and schedule for transformation, the plan is an important document for us, our funders, partners, potential funders and investors. It is also a promise to the communties we serve that we are ambitious and striving to deliver more for and with them.
If you would like to discuss any of the contents of this document, or would like to invest in the Liverpool Irish Festival, please contact our Director on [email protected].
If you would like to discuss any of the contents of this document, or would like to invest in the Liverpool Irish Festival, please contact our Director on [email protected].
If you prefer, you can download a PDF of Festival Review 2020, here. Since 2016, the Liverpool Irish Festival has written an in depth review of the year before (an annual report, if you will). The review focusses on the reach, range and experience its work provides. It has become a critical tool for understanding our workand weak points.
The Liverpool Irish Festival has secured initial funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund to begin work on regenerating the Liverpool Irish Famine Trail. We would like to thank the National Lottery Heritage Fund (and players of the Lottery) for their interest, support and trust in us. We would also like to thank Greg Quiery and the Great Hunger Commemoration Committee, for their work with us on this.