All prices shown in the above tables relate to fares from Diss only, fares from other towns / villages will vary depending on location, please contact us to obtain these prices. The standard vehicles operated seat from 1 to 4 passengers, 5 to 8 passenger and wheelchair accessible vehicles are available on a pre-booking basis only, all vehicles are either hackney carriage or private hire licensed by South Norfolk District Council (SNDC) and all drivers are DBS checked and again licensed by SNDC.
In addition to day to day local taxi services we also offer a courier service, transport to and from bus stations, train stations, airports, seaports, for weddings and nights out, and hospitals including wait and return service.
In addition to day to day local taxi services we also offer a courier service, transport to and from bus stations, train stations, airports, seaports, for weddings and nights out, and hospitals including wait and return service.