UK Based Independent Animated Video Production Studio: Our passion is bringing your stories to life using original animation. Anders Sundstedt is the only person behind this website. He makes award-winning handcrafted animated videos and whiteboard videos for business, organisations and animated music videos.
His passion is making animations from scratch, for clients that includes some big names with testimonials. Ready to talk? Please get in touch now! Anders makes your story stand out using animated video. He does this using his creativity, expertise and professionalism. He makes handcrafted animated videos for brands, businesses, agencies, music videos, apps, corporate animation & any animation production in between.
His passion is making animations from scratch, for clients that includes some big names with testimonials. Ready to talk? Please get in touch now! Anders makes your story stand out using animated video. He does this using his creativity, expertise and professionalism. He makes handcrafted animated videos for brands, businesses, agencies, music videos, apps, corporate animation & any animation production in between.
We are Sundstedt Animation and we create animated video content for businesses, organisations and animated music videos. We're a top animated video maker for product marketers. Engage, encourage and excite your audience with animated videos. Watch our work here. Feel free to reach out for work or collaborations.
We specialize in creating handcrafted, 100% custom-made, premium animated videos in our own visually distinctive styles, bringing your story to life and making your competition jealous. Whether you're looking for an explainer animation to explain a complicated idea or a killer animated music video, we can help.
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