Sally Stubbs: sought after throughout the world for her successful Authentic & Permanent RAPHA Hypnosis Therapy to cure you of mind-emotional problems. Famous for her unique System which returns the Locus of Control thoroughly to each Individual.
Very Happy to meet with you one to one for an hour or so for a free consultation, either in beautiful Keswick or via Skype or Telephone, giving you time to comfortably and safely explore with me what you need to resolve your problem, be it anxiety, depression, fears or worries, I would be delighted to hear from you.Adam from Cumbria: 6 months ago a frightened child emailed you asking for help.
Very Happy to meet with you one to one for an hour or so for a free consultation, either in beautiful Keswick or via Skype or Telephone, giving you time to comfortably and safely explore with me what you need to resolve your problem, be it anxiety, depression, fears or worries, I would be delighted to hear from you.Adam from Cumbria: 6 months ago a frightened child emailed you asking for help.
Q: What is Rapha Hypnosis? A: Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness which enables communication with the unconscious mind. For more than a century we have held onto the belief that the unconscious mind will respond long term to direct suggestion (Ref: Dr. J. Braid, Freud).
Rapha Therapy Cures Permanently: by guiding and assisting the unconscious to activate and empower an individuals own unique inner resources and inner strengths which have for whatever reason gone or become dormant.Rapha Therapy is a journey of inner discovery to an individual's own solutions and resolutions to a problem.
Rapha Therapy Cures Permanently: by guiding and assisting the unconscious to activate and empower an individuals own unique inner resources and inner strengths which have for whatever reason gone or become dormant.Rapha Therapy is a journey of inner discovery to an individual's own solutions and resolutions to a problem.
A man wanted to know about mind, not in nature, but in his private, large 'computer'. He asked it: "Do you compute that you will ever think like a human being?" The machine then set to work to analyse its own computational habit. Finally, the machine printed its answer on a piece of paper, as such machines do.
The Rapha Therapy System is unique in format, so to get the most out of your time listening to and working with the CD tracks, it is important that you read these guidance notes before you start your work. Once you have absorbed the information you will work much more effectively and efficiently in your quest to achieve your Goal.
I will help you to successfully and permanently Resolve your psychological and emotional problems. My career in therapy spans over 35 years: guiding & assisting many people world wide to permanently resolve and cure their psychological & emotional problems. As a registered Psychotherapist & Hypnotherapist with advanced training I have developed the Rapha Hypnosis Audio Treatments.
Rapha Hypnosis provides curative therapy that gets to the very root of your problem and accesses and empowers your own dormant inner resources to resolve it permanently. RESILIENT - Dictionary definition - 'Readily recovering from shock, depression etc, and become buoyant'. Enhanced by the informed action you will undertake when working with Rapha Hypnosis audio treatment, this is the result you will obtain.
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