Gichin Funakoshi introduced the basic concept of Karate into Japan from Okinawa in 1916 and, particularly since the 1960s, the popularity of Karate has been increasing rapidly. The earliest origins of Karate as we know it today are somewhat vague due to the lack of documentation. The traditional idea accepted by most authorities is that it started in India.
A Buddhist priest called in Chinese Daruma (or Bhodidarma, as he is better known), wished to take his particular sect of Buddhism, called Zen, to the Chinese as a missionary venture. It was not uncommon for itinerant priests to be able to fight, as they would frequently be in danger on their wanderings from wild animals as well as men.
A Buddhist priest called in Chinese Daruma (or Bhodidarma, as he is better known), wished to take his particular sect of Buddhism, called Zen, to the Chinese as a missionary venture. It was not uncommon for itinerant priests to be able to fight, as they would frequently be in danger on their wanderings from wild animals as well as men.
We run classes for juniors (7 - 14) and seniors. If you have never trained before, don't worry. We are a friendly club and will gradually introduce you to the skills and techniques needed to train in Kyokushin Karate. You are welcome to join us at any time but we encourage you to come along to one of our beginners classes.
Kyokushin Karate is an excellent way of improving both your physical and mental abilities. Karate helps children learn discipline, respect and allows them to channel all their energies. We have a junior class and an adult class. To train at the junior class you must be at least 7 years old. Generally, to train at the adult class you must be at least 14.
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