We aim to use our many years of experience to bring a cost effective and timely outcome to our clients needs, always focusing on our clients best interest. Buying or selling your home is quite possibly the largest financial transaction you will ever make. It's not a process to leave to chance. A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document whereby one person grants another person the authority to make legal.
The founder of the firm and now a Consultant and although now semi retired still maintains his links with the firm and his long standing clients. Nigel was for many years a Partner in a large regional firm where he headed their residential property unit and since becoming the principal of Stephen Murray & Co., has brought his considerable experience to the firm.
Buying or selling your home is quite possibly the largest financial transaction you will ever make. It's not a process to leave to chance. You want to make sure that everything is in order, and that you're making wise decisions. Conveyancing is time consuming, complex and can be risky if you don't have experience.
A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document whereby one person grants another person the authority to make legal and financial decisions on their behalf. There are different types of LPA for financial decisions and health care decisions. A Lasting Power for financial decisions can be used to allow someone to make decisions for you even while you still have mental capacity.
If you take the time now to make an effective legally binding Will and Testament you can save your family not only stress but money in what will undoubtedly be a difficult time for them. At the same time as considering your Will we strongly recommend that you also put in place plans for any future incapacity.
At Stephen Murrary & Co. we understand that dealing with a deceased estate is one of the more difficult challenges in life. From mountains of paper work to legal jargon and simmering family disputes, they're the last things you want to deal with when you're grieving the loss of someone important in your life.