Our communications provider is experiencing network issues which has resulted in a temporary failure in its service to us. Wherever you're in pain, or have problems with movement, Liberty Physio + Rehab has a reputation for making a difference when other practitioners have failed. Free from pain and free to move, from physiotherapy to acupuncture, massage to exercise therapy, we'll find the right treatment to suit you.
Trouble in your knee joint isn't just painful - it can stop you in your tracks. When walking is uncomfortable - and running becomes impossible - we'll get you moving again. Heel pain and tenderness is a common problem, whatever your age. It can develop over time, from a nuisance to a nagging pain, until it becomes a real barrier to movement.
Trouble in your knee joint isn't just painful - it can stop you in your tracks. When walking is uncomfortable - and running becomes impossible - we'll get you moving again. Heel pain and tenderness is a common problem, whatever your age. It can develop over time, from a nuisance to a nagging pain, until it becomes a real barrier to movement.
Our experienced team use a combination of clinical techniques to discover the source of your discomfort, and treat the underlying cause of your problem. Your treatment plan is tailored just for you, with exercises you can do at home between sessions. And because we take time to share our share our knowledge and specialisms and throughout the practice, you can expect the same high standards whoever takes care of your treatment.
Liberty Physio + Rehab is a new name in Lincoln, but we can trace our history back for more than half a century. It was 1945 when Charles Ellrington first set up in practise in Clasketgate offering a dedicated personal clinic concentrating in the growing discipline of physiotherapy. Twenty five years later, he was joined fellow physiotherapist Hugh Spencer, who later moved the business just down the road to West Parade.
Free from pain and free to move, from physiotherapy to acupuncture, massage to exercise therapy, we'll find the right treatment to suit you. We promise we'll never just patch you up, so that the pain returns as soon as your treatment stops. Instead, we're committed to discovering the source of your discomfort, and treat the underlying cause of your problem.
Back pain affects most of us at some time in our life. Painkillers might mask the symptoms for a short while, but physiotherapy can help sort out your problem not just for now, but for the future too. The pain in your back could have many causes from sciatica to a slipped disc or arthritis. Underlying problems elsewhere on your body may also be felt as back pain too.
Our physio team has a wealth of experience within professional and recreational sports, and we'll bring the same standard of care and expertise to your problem, whatever your level of sporting ability or fitness. We'll devise a personal treatment plan to beat your condition, including physiotherapy and hydrotherapy as necessary.