Our weekly newsletter, Head2home, will keep you informed about future events and current celebrations. Whether you are visiting the site because you have our school in mind for your child, or you are an existing parent or guardian, I hope that it will provide you with all of the information you need and give you an insight into what Yardley Gobion Church of England Primary School is all about.
At Yardley Gobion we are passionate about providing a broad and balanced curriculum that gives a depth of opportunities and makes our children excited to learn. We want the children to grow as outstanding learners with the skills and confidence to take on any challenges that the 21st century may bring.
At Yardley Gobion we are passionate about providing a broad and balanced curriculum that gives a depth of opportunities and makes our children excited to learn. We want the children to grow as outstanding learners with the skills and confidence to take on any challenges that the 21st century may bring.
To inspire individuals, through our Christian values, to use their skills to succeed academically, artistically, physically, socially and emotionally. We support the children to understand this through the Parable of the Talents, where Jesus tells us that God wishes us to use our talents to achieve all that we can, not to hide them away.
Yardley Gobion Church of England Primary School is not a voluntary aided school within the Peterborough Diocese. The Board of Education oversees the provision of Church schools in the Diocese of Peterborough. The Board is committed to its mission of promoting Christian education, excelling in quality, distinctive in sharing God's love.
We know that our faith is the central focus of all we do at school. It defines our common aims and objectives and provides us with a framework for working together and loving one another. We truly believe that everyone within our community has something to add to us as a group and, with God's guidance, we will recognise and nurture talents to make us stronger together.
Our whole school community comes together everyday to join in Collective Worship. Our worship is based upon Christian Values, chosen by the school community, and key events in the Christian calendar. Worship is led by all teaching staff, Rev'd Diane, our Parish Vicar, other Christian visitors and, most importantly, by our children.
In Church of England schools, where pupils and staff come from all faiths and none, religious education (RE) is a highly valued academic subject that enables understanding of how religion and beliefs affect our lives. At the heart of RE in church schools is the teaching of Christianity and opportunity for pupils to learn about other faiths and world-views.
Reviews (1)
Banner Hampton
Jun 21, 2018
Classes are arranged according to the numbers in each year group. It is a statutory requirement that classes in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 do not exceed 30.
Their aim is to keep classes as small as possible across the school, and mixed year grouping is part of village school life. Like many teachers in small schools, their teachers are expert at catering for the range of abilities in a mixed age group class.
Their aim is to keep classes as small as possible across the school, and mixed year grouping is part of village school life. Like many teachers in small schools, their teachers are expert at catering for the range of abilities in a mixed age group class.