We have developed a simple six step process to improve website performance and drive business growth. Define what you want to achieve, how you will measure it and how you will communicate with your Customers. Identify the most effective way to create and keep Customers within your budget and within your timescale. Produce content based on data that solve problems and provides value for Customers on your online channels. Engagement tools to communicate directly with Customers for sales today and growth tomorrow.
The tracking and analysis of data is the cornerstone of marketing. We use a wide range of state-of-the-art analytic tools to gain the knowledge and understanding of how users are finding and interacting with your website and campaigns and turn them into Customers. There is rarely a shortage of data but often a shortage of relevant metrics to make key marketing decisions.
Pay Per Click advertising can provide rapid results in attracting Customers to the website. A carefully monitored and targeted PPC campaign provides you with Customers and controls the cost per acquisition. Concentrating on targeted keywords, compelling text and landing pages will generate Customer visits and conversions.