NLP enables you to change your behaviour and to challenge any beliefs, habits or negative emotions that may be holding you back in life. NLP is also known as a "Talking Therapy" as you discuss the way to change your behaviour and thinking patterns using easy to apply techniques.
By looking at the way we think and behave we can pay very close attention to the automatic patterns we run daily that may be giving us results that we don't actually want!Because approximately 95% of what we do as human beings is done on auto-pilot, it's no wonder that sometimes we are not behaving at our best or tapping into our inner strengths.
By looking at the way we think and behave we can pay very close attention to the automatic patterns we run daily that may be giving us results that we don't actually want!Because approximately 95% of what we do as human beings is done on auto-pilot, it's no wonder that sometimes we are not behaving at our best or tapping into our inner strengths.
I often wonder how does one person experience the same thing as another yet come up with a totally different reaction, mindset, attitude and behaviour? What motivates us? What gets us out of bed in the morning? I really enjoy Creating Change in others and enabling people to achieve their goals, no matter how big or small.
If you are ready to let go of unwanted thoughts and behaviours that are holding you back then NLP is for you! Using techniques that are both easy to learn and apply you can start living the life you want and turn your dreams into reality. Whilst a certain amount of stress can be used to our advantage and galvanise us into action, too much can have adverse effects on you, your health and those around you.
IEMT allows you to rid yourself of unwanted negative feelings and emotions and to move forward in your life. There is no need to relive experiences or go over old ground as I can work content free because the emphasis is on your eye movements alone when recalling negative emotional issues. By noticing where your eye gaze goes to when recalling an unwanted memory, I am able to establish the deep neurological level where it is held.
Are you suffering from unwanted emotions due to being in Combat, a Victim of Crime or experiencing a Trauma? Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can occur after being exposed to a severely stressful event where physical and /or emotional harm occurred or was threatened. NLP and IEMT will eliminate the flashbacks and emotional anguish without the need to re-live the event or go into any details and talk about what actually happened.
Following the latest Lock-down I will be continuing to offer all of my Coaching sessions remotely for the time being. I am classed as Clinically High Risk & Extremely Vulnerable due to my Chronic Auto Immune Disease. With the virus still in active circulation I am unable to carry out face to face consultations.
Reviews (1)
Jane Glover
Nov 10, 2020