We have many students who use our facilities, from exam learning, to learning to play leisure pieces! We also have students who come to us for help to play in bands! The first note can be daunting, but many overcome their initial fear and thoroughly enjoy lessons throughout the year! All our teachers have great working partnerships, with great communication between each other.
Our teachers and pupils also have a good communication line, where any learning problem, no matter how small, can be talked about and fixed with ease. Any queries or questions parents have regarding the music, are more than welcome to approach our teachers or head tutors also! Our pupils progress steadily throughout their years of learning, with their future of playing sounding bright.
Our teachers and pupils also have a good communication line, where any learning problem, no matter how small, can be talked about and fixed with ease. Any queries or questions parents have regarding the music, are more than welcome to approach our teachers or head tutors also! Our pupils progress steadily throughout their years of learning, with their future of playing sounding bright.
We have many students who use our facilities, including the hiring of instruments for their lessons throughout the year. This is mostly used by our outside school pupils, but can be used by all. As well as stocking books, and instruments for hire, we stock accessories for guitars, drums, and many more instruments.
When enrolling for lessons, you will receive a free introduction lesson! This fun introduction lesson gives pupils and teachers a chance to get to know each other, what lessons are like and what is to be achieved out of these lessons, e.g. In LMC, we run lessons for all ages, from Mondays-Saturdays.