Amazon Aquatics, established in 2005 as a wholesaler to the aquatic trade then opened its doors to the public in 2008 and is now a 100% retail business, open seven days a week. Importing tropical and coldwater fish from all over the world, at Amazon Aquatics we pride ourselves in having the best quality fish.
We import fish direct from around ten different countries, resting them in one of our two quarantine facilities so they are of optimum health before going into the shop tanks ready for sale. We have new imports of fish every week so there's always something new being brought out of quarantine for you to see.
We import fish direct from around ten different countries, resting them in one of our two quarantine facilities so they are of optimum health before going into the shop tanks ready for sale. We have new imports of fish every week so there's always something new being brought out of quarantine for you to see.
We like to keep a huge variety of different species of tropical fish in stock at all times. We have a large selection and a wide range of colours of livebearers; Guppies, Mollies, Swordtails and Platies. We also like to have many other varieties like Tetras, Dwarf Cichlids, Killifish, Catfish, Loaches, Eels, Barbs, Rasboras, Gouramis, Sharks, Rainbows, L number Plecs and discus to name but a few.
At Amazon Aquatics you can find a nice selection of different coldwater fish from fantails and orandas, to goldfish, tench and koi. Throughout our many tanks and 6000 litres of coldwater aquaria, you can find plenty to choose from including Weather Loaches, Snails and Borneo Suckers to help keep your tanks clean.
We keep a wide range of different aquatic plants and have new deliveries every week. There are many pre-bunched plants on sale, as well as some potted plants and mother plants, all at good prices. Plants on wood are another popular purchase to improve the appearance of your aquarium, as they are so easy to keep and grow.
Once you've set up your aquarium and added your gravel, ornaments and decor; fill your tank with cold water and treat with dechlorinator. You will need to allow your temperature to stabilise at a safe level for the fish you intend to keep. If it's a community tank then the temperature of 25 degrees Celsius or 77 degrees Fahrenheit is perfect.
Reviews (9)
Mike Smith
Jan 15, 2022
Emma Carter
Dec 27, 2021
Ann-Louise Grundy
Dec 22, 2021
Lucy Finn
Oct 27, 2021
Peter Liddle
Oct 08, 2021
Chris Hilton
Aug 26, 2021
P. Dickson Odd Job Paul
Aug 24, 2021
David Harvey
Jul 26, 2021
One of the best Aquatic suppliers of anything aquatic. Friendly, very knowledgeable and so helpful. They stock everything you can think of to do with Aquariums. They have a large variety of live stock, great plant selection real or plastic, spare parts or replacements and full aquarium start ups tanks filter's lights the lot basically you name it they will probably have it. I couldn't recommend them enough.
Andrew Childs
Aug 30, 2020