Our Divorcee Wellbeing programme is available now. It is designed not only to support you through your divorce but to help you face your future life with confidence. If we were having a chat, I'd say that your Wellbeing is influenced by the Dynamic interactions you have with people, places and events - and the conclusions you drew from them at the time; most of which you have now forgotten.
While it's easy to point the finger at someone else and blame them for the problem, it's not as simple as that. It's about re-claiming your power to create your life the way you want it to be. And, sometimes we need reminding that whatever's going on, you're in charge of you. I'd also want to tell you that there's nothing wrong with you.
While it's easy to point the finger at someone else and blame them for the problem, it's not as simple as that. It's about re-claiming your power to create your life the way you want it to be. And, sometimes we need reminding that whatever's going on, you're in charge of you. I'd also want to tell you that there's nothing wrong with you.
COACHING PLUS - For when you want to achieve something new and need clarity and encouragement. BREAKTHROUGH - For when you don't just want to talk about it, you've decided it's time for something to change. All my sessions are completely safe and full of kindness and personal support. I check out the beliefs that have brought you to this situation and query whether they work for you.
Clients who come to see me either have some sort of difficulty or something missing in their life. It can be stress, anxiety, relationship, money worries, feeling put upon, or it could be as varied as wanting a new partner, or losing weight. The first decision I'm looking to make is how to give them the most transformative result in the least possible time.
Are you the manager of a skilled team who find themselves faced with confrontational behaviour?. You and your colleagues chose your role because you want to use your skills to help people. You probably weren't expecting to have to deal with those people taking their anger or frustration out on you but - sadly - that is sometimes the reality.
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