Are you looking for one of the most unique, mesmerizing and hilariously funny forms of entertainment around today? You've come to the right place so look no further than John Penman - The outrageously funny Stage Hypnotist. John has been involved with hypnosis for over 25 years since watching his first Hypnosis show as a teenager and he can still remember how it made him feel.
You can now have that feeling too! Take a moment and imagine watching your friends and family performing amazingly bizarre and unbelievably funny acts of madness. Imagine yourself laughing uncontrollably at them on stage and imagine your friends coming up to you at the end of the evening saying "that's the best night I've had in years".
You can now have that feeling too! Take a moment and imagine watching your friends and family performing amazingly bizarre and unbelievably funny acts of madness. Imagine yourself laughing uncontrollably at them on stage and imagine your friends coming up to you at the end of the evening saying "that's the best night I've had in years".
Well John Penman - The Comedy Hypnotist - is one of the most sought after Hypnotists, Magician and Hypnotherapist in the UK today. The following will give you an insight to why that is and give you more infomation About Us at The Comedy Hypnotist. John has been involved with Hypnosis ever since he first witnessed a Comedy Hypnosis show performed by Andrew Newton back in the 1980's.
Here at The Comedy Hypnotist we aim to respond to any queries as soon as possible, normally the same day but no longer that 24 hours from initial contact. In extreme circumstances where it is not possible to answer your query completely then a quick reply will be sent with a follow-up with in the following 24 hours.
You could just answer that Stage Hypnosis / Stage Hypnosis Shows are simply Hypnosis performed on a stage! Lets look at the history of Stage Hypnosis and explain it in greater detail. According to Wikipedia Stage Hypnosis is performed for entertainment purposes. Stage hypnosis shows are performed at venues like comedy clubs, theaters, high schools, colleges, universities, festivals, and fairs.
On this Poster & Publicity page we aim to help you to have the most successful and talked about event possible. The big secret to getting people to enjoy themselves, spend money in your premises and to talk about their night at your establishment for months to come is simple. Firstly you need to book someone with a great reputation ie John Penman - The Comedy Hypnotist, but do so a few months ahead of time.
As soon as you spotted the title in the menu bar you probably wondered "what is impromptu hypnosis"? The definition of impromptu given by dictionary.reference.com is "made or done without previous preparation" or "suddenly or hastily prepared, made, etc". Although both of these are correct, they don't exactly match what I am offering as an alternative entertainment to a comedy hypnosis show.