Perfect Paws provide professional high quality grooming services for dogs. Our services include tidying, trimming, bathing and grooming, and cater for all breeds and sizes. You know what your dog needs best so we have comprised a list of treatments that you can pick and choose from that will be most suitable to your dogs needs, Every dog will be groomed to suit you and your dog's preferences.
Perfect Paws is dedicated to providing you with these services for your dog grooming session: Dog Grooming, Bathing, Trimming, Clipping, Wilmslow, Manchester, Groomers, Hand stripping, Groomed paws, nail clipping, ear cleaning, eye cleaning Professional Grooming.
Perfect Paws is dedicated to providing you with these services for your dog grooming session: Dog Grooming, Bathing, Trimming, Clipping, Wilmslow, Manchester, Groomers, Hand stripping, Groomed paws, nail clipping, ear cleaning, eye cleaning Professional Grooming.